Cannabis Space

Ongoing Research

A contemporary architecture of cannabis is yet to be defined, but will soon have a much broader environmental and cultural impact with legalization. In the age of the “Green Rush,” we are seeing profound issues at play with respect to culture, policy, social justice, economic opportunities, and the environment.

Dameron Architecture is exploring the ecological architecture of cannabis production, distribution, testing and consumption. We need to take an active stance as designers to positively shape physical space at a time when the industry is apt to prioritize profits over ethics and aesthetics.

How can industrial, retail, and recreational spaces of cannabis responsibly and beautifully connect people to plants and the natural world? How can the industry usher in responsible practices that protect the planet? How can architecture promote the transition of cannabis into new cultural spaces?   

Cultivation Space Hot topics: carbon footprint, ventilation, renewable energy infrastructure, fumigation, fire safety, health and welfare of industry workers, circulation and efficient space planning, waste management, and biodiversity.

Dispensary Space Hot topics: accessibility, urban context, demographics, circulation, education, medical services, privacy, security, destigmatization of the plant and public image.

Consumption Space Hot topics: phenomenology, public safety, social interaction, individual experience, discovery, function, feeling, nature and biophilia.